Thursday, November 21, 2019

National Curriculum In Schools In England Essay

National Curriculum In Schools In England - Essay Example A national curriculum is therefore the set of courses that a government sets to apply in all the school levels in a country. This implies the uniformity in the education sector owing to the fact that all the schools in the country offer similar courses to their students and follow similar teaching methodologies in doing so. Curriculums require effective formulation following the adequate assessment of the information needs in the learner among other factors that affect the learning process (GOLBY, GREENWALD, & WEST, 1975). After determining these, the curriculum developers determine the best concepts that every stage of the learner requires ad the best methods of teaching such concepts thereby guaranteeing effective acquisition of knowledge. A curriculum should not burden the leaners by ensuring that the developers constitute the most appropriate concepts for every stage of the learning process thereby guaranteeing optimum learning. This requires the consideration of such pertinent f eatures of the learner as their age and the knowledge gap. Additionally, an effective curriculum introduces concepts progressively thereby ensuring that the learner understands each concept at the most appropriate age. Besides the development of the concepts for the learner, curriculums manage the teachers. A curriculum must consider and set feature requirements for the teacher thereby ensuring that only the most effective teachers impart the knowledge in the learners. A curriculum therefore advises the teachers on the best earning aids for every learning stage and the mode of teaching to ensure a productive system. Additionally, curriculums should always reflect the state of the society within which it is applied in a number of ways, the knowledge in the curriculum must have direct relevance with the environment within which it is used. This implies that the curriculum must envision the knowledge growth through time. An effective curriculum therefore has a period lapse within which it is reviewed. In the United Kingdom, the period is four years a time within which the developers remove certain aspects of the curriculum and replacing them with new concepts. This safeguards the technological changes in the society most of which demand different knowledge from the previous period (WILES, 2009). A national curriculum is uniformly implemented in all the schools in the country. Most countries currently have uniform curriculums in their schools. The construction of such curriculums require the consideration of the demographic factors prevalent in every part of the country most of which may affect the learning process thereby developing an effective curriculum which considers the diversities of the different regions in the country. The United Kingdom is one such country with a uniform curriculum in most of the learning institution. The application of a uniform curriculum presents a number of advantages and have the possibility of improving the quality of education in a country. However, such curriculums have a number of disadvantages most of which may impair the affectivity of the learning process. Despite the provision of a uniform curriculum especially in public schools, the government has no mandate to monitor the activities of private schools most of which formulate and implement their own curriculums. Such disparities imply that learners in the country graduate with diverse knowledge possibly resulting in the lack of uniformity in the subsequent institutions of learning. Despite the existence of such disparities, the education institutions implement a national exam at the end of every stage of the learning stage thereby compelling compliance with the national curricul

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