Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Tragedy Of World War II Essay - 2204 Words

World War II is one of the most well known wars in history. It is known for many things such as the dropping of the atomic bomb in Japan by the U.S forces, the storming of the beaches in Normandy on D-Day, the bombing of the U.S Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, and the rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. However, of the most notable and of tragic events of World War II would be that of the Holocaust. The Holocaust, which comes from a Greek word for a religious sacrifice, is famous for the horrible mistreatment and murder of Jews, Romanians, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Soviet prisoners of war. There have been many movies based on the tragic events of the Holocaust such as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. The Holocaust has also lead to many famous works of literature such as the heart wrenching tale of a young girl’s hopes and dreams being destroyed by the Nazi army in The Diary of Anne Frank. While these movies and this diary and several other movies and works of literature like them give us a glimpse into what life in a concentration camp was like, they do not give us the whole picture of a European concentration camp in the 1940s. The things that are most well- known from the Holocaust are the death camps which are also known as extermination camps. The reason behind this was because of the mass murders of millions of Jews and others (Killing Centers). There were up to at least six death camps known during the height of the Holocaust. As many as six thousand Jews wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Germany During The World War II1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Tragedy of Germany can be viewed as a turning point in history for all cultures. From this tragedy we learned much about racism and the horrors than can come from other races thinking they are better than the other and what evil it can lead to. 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