Sunday, May 10, 2020

What is Suicide Essay examples - 1541 Words

Suicide is the 11th leading cause of deaths in the world. It can happen to or be committed by anyone but usually occurs when a person feels depressed or worthless or is facing an exorbitant amount of problems. Fatal suicidal attempts are usually overestimated, because in most cases suicide attempts do not result in death or serious injury. In most cases suicide attempts result in failure or minor injury. Which means that failed or not resulting in death suicide attempts are recorded in the deaths by suicide statistics. Suicides are still very common, they occur about once every 40 seconds in the world. When dealing with suicide you must know its statistics, its causes, and its prevention. What is suicide? When does it happen? How many†¦show more content†¦One well known person is Cleopatra who supposedly died after being bitten by an Asp ( A type of snake ) she was a very common person when she died so because her main reason was because she had lost egypt and felt like there was no way to reconquer egypt although with time and patience they could have achieved that â€Å"goal.† she found it easier to die and leave the problem than to deal with it. This is one of the not so good endings to a person although many people died after her by suicide with different reasons and time periods of course. suicide has become â€Å"popular† that now deaths average about 85 americans per day.( Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia ) Suicide can be caused by depression, one thing you should know is that it’s False: That people who talk about suicide won’t really do it.( ) Most of the time people who commit suicide threatened about them dying with phrases like you won’t be laughing when i’m dead, or you’ll be sorry when i’m dead. They might say it jokingly with a real suicide thought but make it seem like nothing. Its False: That talking about suicide may give someone the idea.( ) you can’t just give someone the idea/ an idea of suicide they have to have already haveShow MoreRelatedSuicide : What Drives A Person?1049 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic that I decided to discuss for my final paper is suicide. I feel like suicide relates to my academic and professional pursuits because there is always facts to learn in regards to as far as what drives a person to commit suicide, how to prevent it, and how provide treatment when someone fails su ch an attempt. I am trying to be an advocate for trouble youth so such information is pertinent to what I am trying to accomplish. It takes a patient and non-bias person to understand that everyoneRead MoreWhat Is Physician Assisted Suicide?939 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is Physician assisted suicide? 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