Friday, July 26, 2019

The american story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The american story - Essay Example What features characterize the American past and how they are reflected within the current day’s American society? In the simplest form, the American story would be seen in whole range of aspects surrounding political, social cultural as well as the economic evolution as has been cited in the past (Salzano 1-3; Anon, 2-3). In the analysis of the American story, this paper intends to evaluate the great steps that characterize the past of the great nation. In particular, the evaluation of the movies as watched in the class depict the systematic change in the different aspects of a nation; economic, social cultural as well as political that are characteristic features of the past to America. As seen from the great book by Garrett, ‘the American story’, much of mankind past can never be ascertained by simply believing what is seen. He clearly reveals that much is what lies behind the scenes and only take the hand of divinity to reveal what actually is presumed. Just a s the case with the rest of world’s countries, the journey of a sovereign America as it is today started with the weight of colonialism. However, events unfolded systematically to pave way to what is currently known as the world’s great, ‘the America’. ... Indeed, the great Henry is quoted to say "As for me, give me liberty or give me death" (Garrett 14), all in the spirit of nationhood as characterized the early formation of a state. It is the committed strive of a great people to birth an unknown country and which would command great global power within a mere span of six generations down the line. Despite the oneness revealed through the struggle for independence within the American country and which is evidently portrayed by the independence declaration, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable right, that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness† (Garrett, 13-16) turned out to mock this own spirit with the practice of mastery and the slave as was the case with the negroes. The actual sense of liberty was only inherent within spirituality as many generations down the line find liberty as mere fiction in their p ursuit. Different continents in history hold different stories of evolution as the book by Diamond in review of the movie, ‘guns, germs and steel’ portrays. He sought to unravel the reasons behind the inequality as seen in our societies, the reason why some societies develop quickly than others. It also intends to reveal the mystery behind the colonization of America by Europe and not otherwise as common sense would have it. Food production as revealed through the evolution track of human beings brought about disparity and class distinction between the haves and the have-nots. Much of the endowment in productivity arose from geographical disparities and the climatic conditions (Diamond 195-197).

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