Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reflection of your learning during xxx programme Personal Statement

Essays on Reflection of your learning during xxx programme Personal Statement Personal ment, Business Reflections I am delighted to reflect on quite a number of experiences I have undergone in my business management course. I learnt that business management involves coordinating the efforts of people with the aim of accomplishing goals and objectives through effective and efficient utilization of available resources. I personally enjoyed challenging classes that enhanced my business skills. Business management course has challenged my way of thinking and empowered me with management skills. The course has enhanced development of both my knowledge base and employability skills. I greatly enjoyed my business management courses since it was characterized by quite a number of challenges. The course exposed me to proper processes and procedures for tackling challenges and coming up with solutions. One of the challenges was coming up with a strategic plan that can enable a business to operate in the long run. Additionally, the course empowered me with five critical skills for running an organization; these are planning, controlling, commanding, coordinating and organizing. Teamwork was one of the activities that changed my attitude towards performance. Through participating in group work during the learning process, I gained knowledge on the necessity of working together to achieve success. However, I learnt that is difficult working with non-cooperative members, but this did not weaken my attitude towards teamwork. The management course helped me realize that success is guaranteed if I always rely on the five skills of management. During the course, I learnt how to motivate weak members and delegate roles to different members of the team. Team work taught me how to be responsible as a leader. I was to bear full responsibility in case the team failed to meet its objectives. The course has performed a critical role in transforming my life. It has not only endowed me with academic knowledge, but also general knowledge. I have learnt how to use the skills learnt during the course in my general life. Skills such as planning and organizing have helped in my day to day life. I have learnt how to plan my time and activities. This has enabled me to be an organized person. I have also learnt how to take control of my life. Thus, the management course has greatly contributed towards rapid transformation of my life through inculcation of relevant skills. The course has impacted me with life skills. I learnt that business management involves working with different kinds of people with the aim of achieving success. This means that one should be able to create and sustain relationships. This is one of the life skills that I gained from the course. I can easily build and sustain relationships with other people at school and within my environment. The course taught me how to use communication skills and interpersonal relation skills in making connections with other people. The course has also influenced my way of thinking. I have learnt how to be a creative and critical thinker who can make effective decisions.

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