Sunday, December 8, 2019

Speed of External Knowledge Recombination †

Question: Discuss about the Speed of External Knowledge Recombination. Answer: Introduction: The report discusses about the three terms, grand challenge, novelty and good research. It analyses the three terms from the point of view of the functioning of an organization. The term grand challenge has been introduced by the great mathematician, David Hilbert. He concentrated on the unsolved problems and it brought a source of encouragement in the field of mathematics. Grand challenges have been applied in many fields like medicine, engineering and also in the field of natural sciences. There are various examples that have been provided by many institutes. This recombination occurs with something new that is being created by building a connection between the two literatures and disciplines, the one that exists and the other that can exist. The organizations offer that the knowledge recombination is the way to generate new ideas. The organizations generate new ideas with the help of new technologies. This helps in the inspiration and recombination of the ideas that emerge with kn owledge and that already resides in the organization from before. The powerful words like competition, challenge and opportunity should be included in the organization in order to motivate the employees and to make a concrete research. The words that should be avoided are obviously, disability, disruptive and mission critical. In many researches it is observed that the researches puts down flat statistical data and they never come up with good and genuine responses. The research process should be such that the results that will be extracted from the research will have genuine results from the persons who are being interviewed or on whom the research is being conducted. The report would explore these facts in detail. Every individual faces the grand challenge some time or the other in his or her life. The challenge can differ and it might be under any circumstances. One of the example that is worth mentioning is the example provided by the United States National Academy of Engineering that includes better medicines and that includes making solar energy at an economical rate. The bigger challenge than this has been provided by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals that concentrated to eradicate the poverty that was present in the global world, the global disease and the issues of hunger that was present all over the world (Mart 2018). The grand challenge underlies a great challenge of creating new and concrete ideas and the adoption of less conventional approaches in order to tackle large and unresolved issues. The AMJ deals with the topics that have global significance. These include the concerns like the reduction of poverty or combating hunger (Colquitt and George 2011). AMJ intends t o tackle those problems that are difficult to resolve. It intends to resolve those problems in a convenient and in an unconventional way. This leads to the scientific challenges. That were launched in the Global Health that included multiple funding partners. Solving the global challenges is a long-term process and this is the reason solving the grand challenges in the Global health remained as an initiative. This initiative continued to be new challenge under a new name, Grand challenges in order to reflect the fact that as the new challenges have been adopted the scope of the same has been expanded to encompass the global development as well as global health (Eisenhardt, Graebner and Sonenshein 2016). In the last century The great Engineering Achievements became a commonplace that they are mostly taken for granted in the present world. With the use of technology a person is able to receive abundant supply of food and they are able to get safe and plenty amount of safe drinking water. Every individual rely on electricity for the daily activities (George et al. 2016). The humans are supplied with such resources that enables them to travel to the various parts of the universe with ease and comfort. The humans are able to bring the goods and services whenever and wherever required. There are vast stores of knowledge that are provided to every individual that includes entertainment. These remarkable achievements of engineering are the great opportunities as well as the challenges that remain to be realized. The experts from all over the world were asked to identify the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st century. The researchers came up with the fourteen changing goals in orde r to improve the life of the human beings in the planet and to overcome all the challenges that are faced by the human beings (Ferraro, Etzion and Gehman 2015). One of the aspect out of the fourteen is the advanced personalized learning. There has been a growing appreciation of individual preferences and aptitudes that has led toward more personalized learning in which the needs of the individuals was met. It was designed in such a way that the students could solve the issues that could occur in the future. The second aspect that was focused on was the making of the solar energy economical. At present the solar energy provides less than one percent of the total energy of the world whereas it has the power to produce more solar energy. The third aspect includes the enhancement of the virtual reality. The virtual reality is becoming a powerful tool in many fields. This range from the psychiatry to education (Uehara et al. 2017). It has turn out to be an effective tool in treating the patients as well as providing education to the practitioners. Apart from this it is used in various forms of entertainment. The other goal is to engineer better m edicines. Engineering enables the development of new systems that is used for passing the genetic information. The minor changes in the body of the humans are noticed due to this. The other goal is the advance health informatics. As computers have become available for all the aspects of human endeavors there is now a consensus that a systematic approach to health informatics, the acquisition, management, and the use of information in health can greatly enhance the quality and efficiency of medical care and the response to the widespread public health emergencies. The other goal is to restore and improve the urban infrastructure (Haustein 2016). The infrastructure supports the development of a community, region or country. Therefore the infrastructure of a particular country should be developed and it should be advanced so that it may be able to overcome the hurdles it faces while making an advancement in the infrastructure. The other goal include the secure of cyberspace. Computer d evelops the standard of living of the human beings (Kuhlmann and Rip 2017). AMJ has revised and they have emphasized novelty in the topic choice. It consists the fact that there has been many conversation that has been made earlier on the scientific works. May scholars have argued on a particular theory and have presented different perspectives on one particular thought. It is important to explore the unknown angle of an argument. It has been observed that the topics of the novel has resulted from the knowledge recombination (Corredoira and McDermott 2014). There are many scientist who argued the fact that there are many innovations that were breakthrough were generated by recombining the knowledge from the distant domains. Sometimes this is not relevant according to the needs of the organizations (Laursen, Moreira and Markus 2015). Therefore a theoretical model should be developed in order to illuminate the ideas that seems to be irrelevant. It was found that it sometimes had a negative effect on the organization (Goc?owska et al. 2018). It made the pace of the development of the organization slow. However the effect of structural recombination was not explored in the field of the innovativeness of the organization. The studies should be made on the innovativeness of the structural recombination. The potential for knowledge should be explored in the organization (Karim and Kaul 2015). An effective study have been made where it was found that in many firms the technological capabilities are weak, in such cases there are chances for the structural combination to be the strongest. On the other there was a contrasting situation where the firms that had strong technologies would be able to overcome the disruption that is caused easily. The structural recombination refers to the resources that are applied in the business and it refers to the recognition of the market activities (Karim and Kaul 2014). It was found that every organizations must overcome the three pathologies of learning in order to create novel breakdown. This can be referred as the tendency to follow and favor the familiar idea than the unfamiliar and new idea, it further include the tendency to prefer the mature idea than the new one and the tendency to prefer the idea that seems more effective and those that are near to the approaches that already exists rather than the ones that are completely new. Th ere are three traps that are observed due to these three pathologies. These are the familiarity trap, the maturity trap and the nearness trap. The changes in the organizations are one of the most obvious process. It is an important means of organizational adaptation (Seidel and Greve 2017). This makes the firm to patch and to reconfigure the market needs of the organizations. The internal as well as the external opportunities of the organization are reconsidered in this. However the organizational changes are always subject to risk. The changes are exposed to huge challenges (Pimentel et al. 2014). This includes restructuring of the existing structure. Structure is one of the major aspect of any organization. The change in the structure can be referred to as one of the disruptive event. The firms does not want to take the risk of the failure of the new ideas. They might have to face the harsh consequences of forming new structures. This leads them to a drift which is termed as post- restructuring drift. The company sometimes gets confused between following the formal and the informal structure. The unrecognized ideas and the ideas that are not mature and concrete are usually called the informal structure. It disrupts the process and the knowledge of the firm and therefore it is not usually accepted by the firms. The firm has certain prefixed set of rules which makes the firm run smoothly (Garud et al. 2015). Good research should be actionable and it should leave an impact on the ones who are on the receiving end. There are certain factors that should be followed while putting a research report or while doing a research. There should be some words that should be used or should be avoided in order to leave a good impact of the research. The words that are powerful and that resonate with the users of research include the action, challenge, competitive advantage, opportunity and options (Coghlan and Brannick 2014). The identification of the correct research process is important in such case. The process should be divided in the qualitative and quantitative forms. Apart from this the other thing that can make the research actionable is the insights of the practice of the organizations or the managers. The one way that is recognized to be approachable to the actionability criteria is to consider the variability considered in practices that cannot be explained by the existing vocabulary of cons tructs that cannot be explained. This is the place where the language of the scholars or the words fail. The example that has been put forward by the editors of AJM, is the example of innovation literature that typically paints the innovation as the result of the capital-intensive research and development efforts (Cornelissen and Cornelissen 2017). In such case it is not possible to explain the emergent innovations that have the low capital intensity that is severely restricted research and development spending and still create value. The academic style of such area of discussion therefore has some amount of restrictions. In the journal five major ways have been stated that turns out to be accountable. The first and foremost way is the offering of the counterintuitive insights. The management will be able to trace all the issues once it has counterintuitive insights. The other way is highlighting the effect of new and important practices (Keith et al. 2017). The new practice would give way to creative and innovative process of ideas. This should be highlighted by the management or else it would not have the desired effect. The new practice can turn out to be useful sometimes for the organization. It requires motivation and a great amount of approval. The other step includes showing the inconsistencies in and consequences of the practices. The practice are required to be consistent. The consistencies of the practices would make the company achieve the goals and the targets and would make it more actionable. The inconsistencies of the practice makes the action undesirable and it breaks the flow of the work in an organization. The other step would include suggesting a specific theory to explain an interesting and a present situation (Mooi, Sarstedt and Mooi-Reci 2018). The research process usually includes a situation on which the research is being done. The situation is analyzed in the research and the pros and cones of the situation is analyzed during the research. The research on a particular situation is done as a concrete research is required on that situation. This is the reason the practices during the research process should be consistent to avoid the harmful consequences of the research. The other step would include identification of an iconic phenomenon that opens new areas of practice and enquiry. The research is conducted in order to explore the new concepts and the new ideas that are related to the topic on which the research is being conducted. It should include all the shades and angles that are related to the topic on which the research is being conducted. The issues that are related to the research as well as the scope of the research should be analyzed (Burke 2017). This should also include the gaps that were noticed while conducting the research and the outcome of the research should be genuine. All the above mentioned ways can be applied when the topic presents a grand challenge and when the pursuit of the topic is ambitious in the scope and when it offers the novel and the unconventional changes to the existing ides and conversations. It was observed by the researchers that the research has relevance only when it has the power to generate insights that the practitioners find useful for the understanding of their own organizational realities, especially when it come s to the concern of variables that remains under the control of the managers (Bowen 2016). The actionable point highly depends on the acceptability of the improved process. In order to have an actionable knowledge of research method, the managers and the organization must be flexible to the foreign plans that can turn out to be an innovative one (Bowen 2016). The new plan can turn out to be improvement interventions. This might let the practitioner face many new challenges and new barriers. It might reveal diverse perspectives and approaches and contexts (Leigh and Blakely 2016). Conclusion Therefore from the above research this can be concluded that these three concepts are related to each other. The humans have always learned to face the great challenges from all the corners of the Earth to the depths of the sea and ocean to the space. The life of all the humans has remained full of barriers and challenges. The human lives has remained as a huge scope to improve the creative way of living and he has always been assigned to create opportunities that will make his life better. In order to face the great challenge proper knowledge is required. While discussing the knowledge recombination the structural recombination should not be left out. The structural recombination or the change in the organization structure is the merging of the business units that is an important and widespread business phenomenon. In order to establish a standard action plan is required. The actionable research plan offers a mechanism by which the data can be collected and that can be organized fro m a body of improvement. This include a framework that is useful for the analysis and the identification of the lessons that are learnt and the facilities that are required while evaluating the feasibility and the effectiveness of the improving programs. Recommendation Therefore from the above analysis it can be recommended that the computer systems should be advanced and innovative that would be able to address the long list of cyber security priorities. The other goal is providing access to clean water. The water supplies of the world are facing huge threats. This threats can only be rectified by innovative technologies that could improve the quality of the water. The most important goal is to engineer the tools of scientific discoveries. There are yet many things in the universe that are not yet explored. The department of engineering and scientists can walk together in the path of innovation to innovate the things that can turn out to be useful for the society. The new idea is the knowledge that is kind of immature for them to accept. It is thought to be an under researched phenomenon. Though it proved to be successful at many instances, still it undergoes many stages of explanation and then it gets approval. The practice of this makes the orga nization get new ideas and the organization gets creative results because of this. However many firms are unable to get good results because of this and therefore they does not take the risk of appreciating this initiative. 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