Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ptlls Course Meeting the Needs of Learners

Meeting needs of learners www. niacedc. org. uk Students have different learning needs, and as a training provider I need to identify these needs, as when you pay attention to students needs (within reason, and on a professional basis that I am qualified to do so ) ,your student will work to the best of there ability, and their learning experience with you will be a positive one.Students also have a better commitment when they have an active part, in deciding goals, and they are told what the time scale is to reach the goals, and identifying criteria for assessing goals. All students that enrol with us are given enrolment questionnaires ,this helps us build a data base for student, and helps identify the students experience, and any qualifications they may hold. The questionnaire also has a basic Math and English competency question, to allow us to establish any areas we may need to be able to address and help the student with.We also ask if they have any computer skills and at what level. All students are then asked to meet with me personally so I can welcome them to the course, and put them at ease, it also allows me and the student to establish, their individual targets and goals, by the student having in put into there learning, it makes the student feel involved and makes the course when broken down achievable for them..We have regular feed back sessions which helps the student identify an areas they feel weaker in or are not entirely happy with, which allows a plan of action to be implemented and then a follow up feed back to assess how the student is progressing. With regular feedback sessions students are encouraged and it helps them develop their skills.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Equirements for the Corporate Computing Function Essay

From Table 3. 1, speculate why the fifth point, â€Å"Meet information requirements of management†, is in the CIO’s list of nine (9) points: Meeting information requirements of management is a key focus for many organizations. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve how they manage information. Information is essential for any decision making process and day-to-day operation. Therefore, it is important that information is managed and disseminated properly throughout the organization. Management use information to establish policy and strategic planning. It is extremely important that organizations meet their information requirements of management. Ian Linton (2013) suggests that managers need rapid access to information to solve strategic, financial, marketing, and operational issues. Therefore, it is paramount that organizations evaluate their informational needs of management. The operating environment of today’s organizations demands timely, efficient and effective management of information to make informed and up to date decisions. Consequently, requires readily accessible information at their disposal in order to be effective managers. If an organization is to be successful, it must be an excellent steward of data. On the other hand, technology is constantly on the rise. As it produces higher efficiency, access, and integrity with improved ways to organize and manage information. At the same time, the IT staff maintains the responsibility of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s intellectual property. To meet these needs, organizations must increase their awareness of the available criteria for evaluation of management informational needs. Information is power and must be managed properly. Organizations need to consider the latest relevant technological advancements for their business to stay competitive and gain competitive advantage (Nichelson, 2013). Managers are critical elements of an organization; thereby, demanding quality, accuracy, and efficiency to move their business forward. The decision making process is greatly influenced by the relevance and quality of the information available to its management. Imagine only three (3) points are to be rolled out in the first phase. Evaluate each point to determine the most important three (3) for the initial rollout phase: Although, all are key points. After ample consideration, the initial rollout phase should consist of the following: 1) Provide computing capability to all organizational units that legitimately require it. 2) Meet information requirements of management. 3) Provide computing services in a reliable, professional, and technically competent manner. I believe the three (3) points chosen are high valued and critical to the organization. All departments must have readily accessible information to perform their jobs to be productive. By means of distributed computing of low cost servers, workstations, and personal computers will provide the widespread use of small computers to provide highly individualistic service to all departments. At the same time, allow users to establish and maintain autonomy in their day-to-day operations while improving departmental productivity (Stallings, 2009). In this instance, deploying inexpensive systems make it possible for organizations to disperse their computing capabilities. Thus, no longer relying on centralized infrastructure to provide services. Obviously, it make sense as a first measure to acquire information from all departments, thus meeting the requirements for the corporate computing function and the information needs of management. Recommend one (1) additional point the CIO should include in order to ensure the topic of security is addressed in the mission statement. Explain your rationale for the inclusion: Information security enabled by technology must include the means of lowering the impact of intentional and unintentional errors entering the system and to prevent unauthorized internally or externally accessing the system ? actions to reduce risk data validation, pre-numbered forms, and reviews for duplications. It is crucial that the mission plan include the provision of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. On the other hand, there is much more intrusion activity today than ever before. Obviously, there is an increased concern for attacks through companies’ network in an effort to either commit malice or affect the integrity of an organization’s most valuable resource. Therefore, it is important that companies do not get complacent in their IT infrastructure security. The fact of the matter, there is no perfect system; however, it behooves organizations to protect their information by way of reducing threats and vulnerabilities. Moreover, Whitman and Mattord (2010) said it best, â€Å"because of businesses and technology have become more fluid, the concept of computer security has been replaced by the concept of information security. Companies must realize the importance of information security and are allocating separate budget and human resources for it. It has matured into a separate business enabler function in many organizations. Organizations now face myriad regulatory requirements and the need to manage risk and information theft. Therefore, it is important for organizations to staff people with specific skills so that information assets are safe and the continued integrity of information is assured (Whitman & Mattord, 2010). Finally, many businesses today are not adequately prepared for an interruption of services. Therefore, it becomes necessary to establish both business disaster recovery and continuity plans to protect the organizations from complete devastation. According to Whitman & Mattord (2010), â€Å"the mission statement is the follow- up to the vision statement. If the vision statement states where we want to go, the mission statement describes how we want to get there. References Linton, I. (2013). The Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making. Retrieved from http://yourbusiness. azcentral. com/role-management-information-systems-decision-making-1826. html Nichelson, B. J. , Ph. D. (2013). Keeping Up With Technology. Retrieved from http://entrepreneurs. about. com/cs/beyondstartup/a/keepinguptech. htm Stallings, W. (2009). Business Data Communications, Sixth Edition (Custom Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Whitman, M. E. , & Mattord, H. J. (2010). Management of Information Security (3rd ed. ). Boston: Course Technology-Cengage.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

My Virtual Child Final Paper Essay

With what I have learned from the My Virtual Child program, I now understand the complexities of raising and guiding a child. Mere decisions made during infancy can affect a child long term, physically, cognitively, and even emotionally. To make important developmental decisions cannot simply be classified as a challenge, it is one of the hardest things parents experience. Making decisions for one’s self, as opposed to making decisions for one’s child is so challenging that most people will not understand until they have children. Even with the realistic impression this program has, I would venture to say that even the majority of my classmates and I do not understand parenting difficulties to the fullest extent. In terms of physical and motor development, Noah was above average at a young age and this continued on through his early childhood. My virtual partner and I never had trouble getting Noah to eat and once a bedtime routine was established only on occasion would he have trouble sleeping through the night. In my opinion, I would classify Noah as an easy baby. He adapted to most situations rather quickly and the majority of the time was very happy, but easy to calm if a tense situation occurred. As for his emotional well-being, it was reported in a parenting questionnaire when Noah was four that I scored in the average range in affection and warmth. Noah had a great family relationship with his father, sister, and myself and demonstrated a secure attachment from an early age. Noah was a very social boy; he had a close group of friends that stayed about the same from the time he was in grade school until he graduated. Noah excelled in school from the very beginning, and continued to surpass his academic challenges until he graduated high school. He was accepted into Honors and AP level classes as a sophomore and scored above average in most all of his classes. Noah was pretty well rounded, and for the most part did average – if not excellent – in most activities he partook in. He was active in sports at a young age but I knew that wasn’t his passion from the beginning. He was a  very musical person and showed his interest and love for it in middle schoo l. At age 12 he was playing the saxophone in the middle school band, joined the high school jazz band, he sang, and taught himself to play the guitar. From the beginning I thought I would take on an authoritative parenting style, but I believe at the end I realized I was hovering somewhere in between authoritative and authoritarian. At first I didn’t want to admit it to myself but looking back I have no regrets because it seemed to work out for both Noah and our family. Growing up I always thought my parents were a little tough on me, perhaps a bit old school but my parenting decisions seemed to mirror theirs. Also, my sister now has two daughters and I have watched my sister and her husband raise them. My sister reads a lot of parenting books and blogs and has shared a lot with me. While raising Noah, I took some of what I had read into account and made some decisions based on the research. On occasion, my boyfriend would participate with me and help me make decisions on how to raise Noah. With all of these resources I believe that the majority of decisions made were for the best, and Noah was raised to the best of my abilities. At age six, Noah told me that he thought I was as â€Å"nice† to him as other parents and that I had â€Å"as many rules† as they did too. I was surprised that at s uch a young age he was aware of what other parents were doing but I believe by the time he got a little older, I got a little stricter. He was expected to do household chores and keep up with homework, but he was able to negotiate times and an allowance for all of this to get done. However, I did not use money as an incentive for good grades – that was expected from both my partner and me. Reflecting on how this may have affected his development I think that this was good for Noah because it challenged him to prioritize his time, for both things that he needed to do and things that he wanted to do (i.e. hang out with friends, participate in extracurricular activities, etc.). At one point, Noah was frustrated with me because he thought I did not allow him to do things his friends’ parents let them do. At the time I was a little confused because Noah was able to negotiate most anything he wanted but there was always a price – chores or family time. Neither of which I thought were unreasonable of my partner or me to ask. Either way, I do not regret my choices because Noah turned out to be very happy , he had a great family values, and when he applied for colleges he was accepted to  several and received a scholarship from a prestigious institution. With guidance from my partner and me, Noah made the right decisions for him that I believe worked out for the best. Looking back, I do not believe that I would have made any major changes to how I decided to raise Noah. I may have tried to encourage him to be a little more active, but only to ensure his health. Whether it was sports or simply working out I would rather he live a healthy, active life, than a sedentary life. However, with all of the activities that Noah participated in I am not sure he would have been able to dedicate enough time to keep it consistent. Outside of that, I may have given Noah a little bit more freedom because at one point he decided to demonstrate his independence by getting a tattoo with his girlfriend. This was very disappointing to me, simply because I don’t think it was a decision he should have made at sixteen with his high school girlfriend. As I previously mentioned, I believe that Noah had a secure attachment with both my partner and me. An examiner noted at Noah’s 19-month developmental testing that it was clear we were a secure base for him and we were encouraged to continue with the same parenting practices (Berk, 2014, pp. 187). As a toddler he often ventured off to explore, but would always check back to make sure we were still there for him. Also, when Noah was an infant and I attempted to go back to work, he would act very distressed when I left. When I returned home Noah seemed more than happy to see me and for the majority of the following evening he demanded almost constant attention (Berk, 2014, pp. 197). It was clear that Noah preferred my partner or me to a stranger and instead of taking him to daycare we had to ask a family member to watch Noah while we were at work. At age four we noticed that Noah was somewhat rigid with gender roles. He had gender schemas established for both men and women and did not stray from his beliefs very often. Once while Noah was in the car with me, I was pulled over by a female police officer and Noah did not believe that she was a real officer because she was a woman. At the time, Noah could have been classified as a gender-schematic child because he identified the behaviors of men and women as either masculine or feminine (Berk, 2014, pp. 277). This was something that my partner and I had trouble with until Noah was about six. We attempted to model non-stereotypical behaviors for men and women to break Noah’s initial ideas about gender roles and to open his mind to the variety  of roles both men and women can take on. For example, he often tried to help his father or mimic what he was doing, so his father began cooking in the kitchen and asking for Noah’s help. From that point on he seemed to better understand the range of tasks both men and women can do. Early on it was evident that Noah was a musically gifted child. At age six he started taking piano lessons and singing aloud to the songs he would play. This continued to be a passion of his throughout his adolescent years. He participated in the middle school band, playing the saxophone, and because of how talented he was the high school jazz band recruited Noah to be a member of their group. Even more impressive to my partner and me at the time, Noah began to play the guitar and that was primarily self-taught. According to Howard Gardner, Noah would have been categorized as a musically intelligent individual (Berk, 2014, pp. 312). I believe that my partner and I instilled Noah with the ability to recognize the difference in actions that were right versus actions that were wrong. He had a strong set of morals and values that were shaped, yet not entirely created by us. While at a competition with his vocal group from school a few of the members stole trinkets from a store and were caught. Noah agreed with their punishment and was aware of how wrong their decisions were. However, he based his recognition of these immoral actions on how the children let down their parents, coach and teammates while taking part in the unlawful activities. This could be classified as conventional level moral understanding (Berk, 2014, pp. 408). To Noah, these were wrong choices because they were wrong in the eyes of society. I urged Noah to hypothetically think about how the situation may have been different than what he thought; I suggested that maybe his teammates stole medicine for a sick teammate. With that I attempted to encourage Noah to use more post-conventional judgment, where he could define morality with abstract ideas as opposed to those ideas set for him by society (Berk, 2014, pp. 408). Although parenting was a challenge, I don’t believe I would ha ve done it any differently than what I did. There were ups and downs; however that is expected in any type of relationship. Once finished with the program I was a little disappointed I didn’t get more feedback on how Noah finished out in life. However, I was very happy with Noah’s development and was glad to know that, the majority of the time, the best decision was made. With the skill set that he had acquired I believe  that Noah was prepared to lead a successful and happy life. A very intelligent and capable young adult, he was prepared for nearly anything his life intended him to encounter. Having said that, I have no regrets with the decisions I made for my virtual son and could not be happier with the person he turned out to be. References Berk, L.A. (2014). Development through the Lifespan. Boston: Pearson.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Memo Audience Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memo Audience Analysis - Essay Example They have the responsibility of steering the business in China to profitability. This group of individuals are quite aware that consumption trends do vary according to the population. However, it may not be clear to them how the market situation for soft drinks in China is. The presentation will endeavour to provide meaningful insight into the market situation in China and the factors that influences consumption among the Chinese. Another consideration to be made is that executives understand in general that there are business regulations in China but may not know them precisely. Doing business in China especially for a foreign company attracts regulations that are variant from the regulations from a company from the country. Therefore, the executives should be made aware of the production regulations, tax obligations and other business policies that applies to an international company doing business in China. The primary audience, which comprises of the business executives, are obliged to get the information and then pass it over to the junior staff and other colleagues not represented during the presentation. Their education background and experience provides a good platform for effective use of the information passed over to them. Their perception towards the information is contributed by the view that they will need to thoroughly understand the market since they already know that every market has its own dynamics. The executives will definitely respond positively towards the information because it is in their interest to go out into China and use the knowledge that they have acquired. Their expectation is that they will be able to get as much information as possible that will help them to get all the questions that they have answered. Their prior experience solidifies their confidence and strengthens their capacity to sit back and read the presentation for more insight. However, it is apparent that based on their experiences there are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The advantages of the nursing profession to any society Essay

The advantages of the nursing profession to any society - Essay Example Healthcare is a priority for any society that appreciates the welfare of her citizens,and the role of the professional nurse in the quality of healthcare is crucial.However,not all societies appreciate the important role that the nurse plays in qualitative and effective healthcare delivery system.The purpose of this research is to document the cost implications of the absence of solid and working professional nursing community in any society,using community nursing as a yardstick.The research study will make use of a survey questionnaire to collect data from consenting subjects that shall include the elderly with frailty or other patients with special needs and long term admission in hospital settings,and professional nurses that have had several years of experience with special need patients.The consent of the subjects shall be sought before the questionnaire is administered on them and the confidentiality of the subjects maintained.Human subject approval will also be obtained from the School of Nursing.Descriptive statistics and correlational statistics will be used to analyse the data collected to determine the perception of nursing in the community and the perceived cost of long term hospital admission.It is hoped that the results of this study would make the government and healthcare professional redesign the healthcare system around a professional nursing community as is obtained in several developed countries where the roles of the nurse in qualitative healthcare delivery have been appreciated.... As if that is not enough, nurses are known to advocate for health promotion, educate patients and the public on the prevention of illness and injury, provide care and assist in cure, participate in rehabilitation, and provide support. No other healthcare professional can reasonable make claims to such a complex and far reaching role in healthcare delivery (Lenburg, 1999; Importance of Nursing, 2006). Nurses do more than care for individuals. They have always have been at the forefront of change in health care and public health, they provide ongoing assessment of people's health. Their round-the-clock presence, observation skills, and vigilance allow doctors to make better diagnoses and propose better treatments. Many lives have been saved because an attentive nurse picked upon early warning signs of an upcoming crisis like cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. According to Thomson (1997), the role of the professional nurse goes beyond the carrying out of tasks usually associated with the profession, especially in countries where the role of the nurse has not been fully appreciated, neither is the nurse restricted to just 'caring' for the patient. She argued that every professional nurse is taught and mandated to act always in such a manner as to: safeguard and promote the interests of individual patients and clients; serve the interests of society, justify public trust and confidence and uphold and enhance the good standing and reputation of the professions One important aspect of nursing that greatly affects the quality of life of any society is community nursing, also referred to as visiting homecare nursing.

Monday, August 26, 2019

BRAHMS REQUIEM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BRAHMS REQUIEM - Assignment Example He had filled the workplace of Meister. The courts and rear ways of the poor quarter in which he existed were continually resonating with the tunes of youngsters, in which he joined generously, with his high soprano voice. He was a fun loving, Normal sprightly kid, sound and ordinary youngster. There was never any uncertainty as to his turning into an artist. From promptly adolescence he took in everything his father could show him, read everything. In the first place he could lay involved, rehearsed with un- Music straying eagerness, and filled reams of Study paper with activities and varieties (Brahms, 1-9). 2. Compare the experience of listening to Brahms’ Requiem to other musical performances you have seen this semester. To what extent is the Ellen Eccles a fitting venue for a performance of this kind? Different arrangers on their aesthetic work have investigated the key existential address in significantly particular courses through a medium that, as I would see it, is unsurpassed around the different manifestations of creative declaration in its capability to achieve the center of our being. Whats more when you have the chance to really sing these meets expectations, the knowledge of them could be upbeat. It doesnt get significantly more particular than that! What can one say in regards to the Mozart Requiem? The quick remarks made here address its energy and to the virtuoso of a writer whose blessing has given mankind the most wonderful and roused musical works ever to jump from the creative ability. The complexity between the Mozart and the Berlioz in their musical structure and inclination is hitting with Berlioz commitment being no less esteemed for the distinction. As Lynn has noted, the specialized requests on the soloists of both structures are considerable and this however shows that Brahms verbalization the extent that his

Speech class assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Speech class - Assignment Example This is likely to be experienced by people who are not used to deception. General uneasiness when communicating may be a good prediction of deception or attempt of the same. Rapid movements accompanied by change of body posture when talking may suggest an attempt of deception. The second most important clue to attempt of deception is avoidance of eye contact. Whereas habitual and experienced liars will attempt a deception without avoiding eye contact, other people will most likely avoid eye contact while attempting deception. Avoidance of eye contact coupled with touching and handling other items while communicating may strongly suggest an attempt to deceive. Other nonverbal signs of attempt to deceive include, fidgeting and change of facial expressions. A communicator who was talking comfortably but then begins to fidget in the middle of a conversation may mean that they are feeling uneasy with what they are communicating and therefore, fidgeting may suggest an attempt of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

With reference to new theories of trade, account for the increased Essay

With reference to new theories of trade, account for the increased importance in the last fifty years of intra-industry trade as a component of world trade - Essay Example Theories have been developed to explain the increasing intra-industry trade, including technology based theories, new trade theories and the national competitive advantage. This is the case of decreasing cost of production in an industry in a given country. With the presence of a large population in the country that consumes a given product in the country, the demand for the product locally increases. This forms the large local market for the given product. Consumer preference for a product is mostly influenced by the consumer taste for the product as well as the cultural practice of the given country. With culture, there is a continued demand for the product generation after generation since the culture is passed over from one generation to the next; therefore ensuring a large market for the product locally. As such, the cost of production for the product decreases with increase in demand. This is due to the economies of large scale production that ensures decrease in total cost with increased production especially in manufacturing. With the large local market, the country benefits from economies of scale in production of the particular product. This gives the country a cost advantage in production of the given product, thus leading to price advantage. Pricing the product lower than other countries will see other countries prefer to import the given product than producing it. With culture, there is spread of the market globally from travelling of the people to other countries, thus the need to export the product to other countries. Enhanced transport has seen people travel far and wide to different countries. Consumer taste and preference goes a long way influencing imports in different countries. Creation of free trade will improve on imports in the country to cater for the varying consumer preference (Donnan 2013, p.3). Though there is a locally produced product, visitors in other countries may prefer the same product from their country of origin

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interview - Essay Example Harris’ office. The moment I walked into the room, I could sense that the atmosphere was very relaxing. The room was spacious and let in plenty of light, and there was a fountain running in the corner. The room had been painted with nice, soothing colors. Ms. Harris said that the standard Army counseling sessions are 90 minutes long. She said that the most difficult thing about her job is trying to help someone whose families are constantly moving every two or three years. Ms. Harris expressed frustration with her job, saying that most of the time she feels like she is just putting a bandage on the situation and is not making any long-term impact. The one positive aspect of the program is that it is carried out in conjunction with the military; if the abuser doesn’t stick with therapy or show any improvement, they will be discharged from the military. So, if they do not bother to participate in the program, they won’t have a job. This gives military personal more incentives to work harder. She also stated that the hardest issue is to know if they really want to change or not. As military members, they are supposed to show military barring. Ms. Harris commented that it can be hard to break down these walls because of how the military trains them to think. The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program is dedicated to the prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment of spouse and child abuse. The program provides a variety of services to all active duty soldiers, retirees, and DOD employees and their family members to enhance relationship skills and improve each individual’s quality of life. This mission is accomplished through a variety of groups, seminars, workshops, and counseling and intervention services. The programs that are offered through the Family Advocacy Program include the Exceptional Family Member Program, New Parent Support Program, Transitional Compensation Program, and Victim Advocacy Pro gram. The Exceptional Family Member Program caters for soldiers who have a family member with special needs. The program provides community support, housing, education, medical, and personnel services to affected family members of soldiers. On the other hand, the New Parent Support Program helps soldiers and family members who are either expecting a child or have a child or up to three years of age. The program provides home visits, play groups, and parenting classes for military families with young children. The Transitional Compensation Program supports spouses of soldiers who have either been court-martialed or have been found guilty of domestic violence or child abuse. The afflicted family member is eligible for medical and dental care for a period of up to 36 months. Payments are made monthly and vary upon the victim’s status to the soldier. Lastly, the Victim Advocacy Program provides support to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. This program is available 24/ 7 and allows victims to talk with trained professionals about their experiences. The treatment soldiers and their families receive include intervention and therapeutic services designed to prevent repetition of abuse and to restore the health of victims and innocent family members who have suffered physical or psychological damage from abuse. Treatment also may include crisis intervention, education programs, short-term counseling, marital

Friday, August 23, 2019

Westmount Retirement Residence Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Westmount Retirement Residence Case - Essay Example The new costing system is based on the three suite options and on the three levels of medical needs of the residents. The costs of supportive services have been allocated based on the level of medical needs of the residents. Half the costs of facilities have been allocated based on square feet area of the three different suite options. The pricing recommendations, based on the new costing system have been made to Helen Rosewell in the final section of the main report. The recommended pricing is based on the new costing system. It is also recommended that spouses living in one bedroom should be charged twice the monthly rates. The biggest limitation of the current costing model at Westmount is that it does not give a clear picture of how much each of the services that are being offered at Westmount cost. The pricing system charges the same price per month from the residents irrespective of the services used by them. This pricing is only based on the type of residence being used by the residents. The costing model does not reflect the level of medical care and service required by the individual clients. The price differentiation is based solely on the size of the accommodations. The model is also is based on the implicit assumption that a resident having a 25% larger accommodation is also using 25% more services of Westmount. The costing system does not show any difference between patients requiring different levels of medical needs. There are usually three categories of residents at Westmount: those requiring no medical need, those requiring medium medical need and those requiring high medical needs. The biggest drawback of this costing system is that it is treating all the costs as fixed or period costs. The costing system is unable to differentiate between fixed costs and variable costs. All the costs are treated as periodic costs and they are charged to the expected number of residents.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Loyalty and Rome Essay Example for Free

Loyalty and Rome Essay The Roman Empire lasted so long due to various things. These include the establishment of a hierarchical government that enabled a system of checks and balances, the implementation of laws and taxes, a strong army, creation of institutions, and many different privileges and incentives for not only the people of Rome, but also those who were conquered and wished to become Roman. Amongst these things, there was an underlying commonality: loyalty. With loyalty came many personal relationships. A loyal government, a loyal army, and loyal people equates to a great empire. When that loyalty disappears, the effects can be disasterousl. Julius Caesar one of Rome’s most notable emperors depended heavily on loyalty and personal relationships. Within Caesars War Commentaries Julius Caesar describes how his personal relationships with people within and outside played a major role within the empire and influenced many of his decisions. From â€Å"Caesar’s War Commentaries† it is clear to see that he was a very practical emperor and planned his every move carefully with a great deal of consultation. To quickly summarize, in this particular excerpt, Caesar needs to feed the army in time, but food is being held away and people within and outside the empire are resisting to aid as they would usually do. He calls a meeting and to his surprise it is revealed that someone close to him and the government has been opposing him. Being the kind of Emperor Caesar is, he made the wise decision to privately question Liscus about what he had just informed him. Liscus of course is someone close to him and that he trusts. He discovers it is Dumnorix, brother of Divitiacus. Caesar wrote about his relationship with Divitiaus. He wrote â€Å"I had come to realize the very high regard which his brother Divitiacus entertained for Rome and his personal devotion to me. He was a man of unswerving loyalty.† Caesar worried that â€Å"there was a possibility that the execution of his brother might alienate his goodwill.† Being that they were close, Caesar goes to him personally and gives him options to choose from concerning the actions to take against his brother. Divitiacus, when expressing his apologies asked for nothing to happen to him. Because of Caesar’s â€Å"high regard for him his prayer should be granted and the insult to Rome as well as my personal grievance forgiven.† If it were not for the personal relationship that Caesar with Divitiacus, and the loyalty that Divitiacus had for Rome and Caesar, surely the situation would have played out differently. Other situations to point out within this excerpt, is that with Domnorix trying to rise to power, the people who were loyal to Caesar and trusted him, were now going against him. Not only was loyalty lost, but also respect and a sense of power for the Romans. Caesar’s excerpt can be used as an example as to what can happen, when these relationships are tarnished. This is why the Romans, while conquering and expanded made sure to secure loyalty. The loyalty was secured in many different ways, which included the system of checks and balances, institutions within the Roman and non-Roman cities, and privileges for its people. To conclude, Rome as an Empire valued the loyalty and the personal relations acquired. Julius Caesar one of Rome’s notable emperors used this as he ruled and this is seen in â€Å"Caesar’s War Commentaries.†

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Placenta Previa Essay Example for Free

Placenta Previa Essay The topic I have chosen for my journal is placenta previa. My patient, 39-year-old M.C came in to the hospital for her fourth cesarean delivery. She has three healthy children that are twenty, ten and two years old. She is not a good candidate for vaginal birth because she has an android or heart shaped pelvis. The birth of her first child resulted in an emergency cesarean delivery and she has opted to have planned cesarean deliveries since then. During this pregnancy M. C had preeclampsia, which is an increase in blood pressure after 20 weeks gestation, which is also commonly accompanied by protenuria. During this pregnancy M.C also had placenta previa, which is a placental implantation in the lower uterine segment over or near the internal os of the cervix (Buckley Schub, 2013). M.C did not have this complication in her other 3 pregnancies. It is a very rare occasion occurring in only 2 per 1,000 births or 0.3-0.5% of all pregnancies in the United States. Placenta previa occurs during the second or third trimester. There are three types of placenta previa, which are total, partial and marginal. M.C presented with marginal placenta previa also known as low lying, which occurs when the edge of the placenta reaches the internal cervical os (Buckley Schub, 2013). The cause of placenta previa is not known but it may be from abnormal vascularization due to a prior uterine injury (Buckley Schub, 2013). M.C presented with vaginal bleeding during her pregnancy and that is when she found out about her condition. Placenta previa is the most common cause of bleeding in the second half of pregnancy (Buckley Schub, 2013). If a patient presents with sudden, painless vaginal bleeding beyond 20 weeks gestation than placenta previa should be suspected. If placenta previa is suspected the use of a transvaginal ultrasound is the most useful diagnostic tool and has an accuracy of 100% in diagnosing placenta previa. After M.C was diagnosed with placenta previa she was ordered to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy and was monitored very closely by her obstetrician. There are many potential complications that come with placenta previa and a few are premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, anemia, infection disseminated intravascular coagulation, shock, renal failure, thrombophlebitis and maternal or fetal death (Buckley Schub, 2013). According to Buckley Schub, (2013) â€Å" for women who have had multiple cesarean deliveries the risk for placenta previa can reach 10%† and M.C had three previous cesarean sections which could be a reason why she developed this condition. M.C was carrying a boy and placenta previa is also more common in pregnancies with male fetuses (Buckley Schub, 2013). Fortunately M.C was able to carry her baby boy to term but 50% of women with placenta previa have a preterm delivery. The treatment goals for patients with placenta previa is to monitor the mothers vital signs, vaginal bleeding and watch for physiologically signs of hemorrhage, shock and infection. Closely monitor the fetal heart tones for any type of distress such as bradycardia, tachycardia and late and variable decelerations. Closely monitor post-surgical patients for bleeding, infection and other complications. Assess the patient’s anxiety level and any knowledge deficits the patient might have regarding placenta previa. Provide the patient is emotional support, education regarding the condition and reassurance that the prognosis is usually good.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Types of Evidence in Criminal Investigation

Types of Evidence in Criminal Investigation Collecting the Evidence Collecting evidence from a crime scene is a crucial aspect of solving crimes. Before evidence can be seized, there must first be a court order approving the search of the crime scene and the seizure of the evidence found at the scene. Standard protocol for officers is for them to always use latex gloves, avoid plastic bags, double wrap small objects, package each object separately, and to collect as much evidence as possible. It is better to have too much evidence than to not have enough. There are countless amounts of evidence that can be found at a crime scene. Blood stains are one type of evidence that can be found at a crime scene. Blood that is still in the liquid form should be picked up on a gauze pad. Once the blood is dried thoroughly it should be refrigerated and sent to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 1). If the blood stain is found dried on clothing, the officer should wrap the piece of clothing in clean paper and place it in a sealed and labeled container. An object with dried blood stains needs to be sent to the Laboratory if it is small enough. If the object is too large to send, then using a clean knife the stain needs to be scraped onto a clean piece of paper, which then can be folded and placed in an envelope (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 2). When collecting autopsy blood samples, the officer should request that the pathologist obtain the sample directly from the heart and place it in a yellow or purple stoppered vacutainer. If the victim is still alive but in serious need of a blood transfusion, then the pre-transf usion blood sample needs to be obtained promptly before the hospital discards it (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 4). It is important for the Laboratory to receive all blood samples within 48 hours or the samples may be useless. Another type of evidence that can be collected at a crime scene includes seminal stains. These are most commonly found on clothing, blankets, and sheets. Similar to liquid blood stains, seminal stains need to be air dried before being packaged and sent to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 10). Victims in sex offense cases should always be examined by a physician. The physician uses a Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit to collect evidence directly from the victim. Hair samples can also be found at crime scenes. Collecting hair can be made easier by using tweezers. The collected hair should be placed in coin envelopes then folded and sealed in larger envelopes. If hair is found attached to an object, the officer should leave the hair intact and package the entire object (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 13). In an attempt to collect the ideal 50 to 100 head hairs or 30 to 60 pubic hairs wanted for rape cases, the victim or suspect should bend over a large sheet of clean paper and rub their hands through their hair (Andrus et al., n.d. para. 15). The loose hair will fall out on the paper and can then be collected. Collected fibers and threads are another type of evidence found at a crime scene. Such evidence is most commonly found caught in torn materials. Once collected, the officer should put the sample in a paper bindle that is then placed in a sealed and marked coin envelope. If the fibers are short or are few in number, the officer should send the entire area containing the fibers to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 19). Any clothing from which the collected fibers or threads may have originated from must also be packaged and sent to the Laboratory. Glass is commonly found at crime scenes. Small glass fragments should be placed in paper bindles which should then be put in a marked and sealed coin envelope. Large glass fragments should be placed in boxes with cotton or tissue to prevent the fragments from breaking during shipment (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 23). If a small broken window is found, the officer should send the whole window to the Laboratory. If the window is large, the officer should send in individual samples from different areas of the window. However, the whole broken window may be necessary if the glass samples are large enough to match the broken edges (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 24). For auto glass and auto headlights, the officer should send any remaining broken pieces along with the new lens to the Laboratory. It is important that all glass found at the scene be recovered and sent to the Laboratory. Any objects that may have been contaminated with glass should be wrapped in paper and also sent to the Laborat ory for examination (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 26). Glass from a distance away may also need to be collected depending on the crime being investigated. The entire fire scene in arson cases should be examined in search for flammable fluids. Flammable fluids may have been placed in other locations around the scene so it is important to extend the search to areas around the scene where burning did not occur. Wood can be used to detect traces of the fluid it should be sent to the Laboratory for examination. Officers should pour a small amount of found volatile liquids into an airtight glass. Small objects containing the flammable fluid should be placed in small sealed metal cans. If the samples are too large for cans they should be placed in heat-sealed KAPAK plastic before being sent to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 45). Examiners can still detect flammable fluids on burnt objects, so as long as the object is not charred they should be sent to the Laboratory. There are many pieces of firearms evidence that can be found at a crime scene. First thing to know is that the only time a loaded weapon can be submitted to the Laboratory is if it is hand delivered. All magazines should be removed from the weapon, but unfired cartridges may be left in the magazine (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 47). Officers need to record the serial number, make, model, and caliber of the weapon. The weapon should then be placed in a strong cardboard or wooden box and sent to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 49). Bullets and cartridge cases should be wrapped in paper and sealed in pill boxes before being sent. Ammunition, powder, and gunshot residue need to be recovered quickly and gingerly to prevent contamination. Tool marks can also be evidence found at a crime scene. This type of evidence can either be impressions left by the tools on objects, or the physical tool itself. The recovered tools should be wrapped in paper and packaged before shipping to the Laboratory. Send in the whole object containing the tool marks if it is small enough. If it is not possible to send in the entire object, photographs and sketches of the area containing the mark need to be taken and sent to the Laboratory (Andrus et al., n.d., para. 53). Latent fingerprints are commonly found at crime scenes. Most fingerprints will be found on paper, glass, metal, or other smooth surfaced objects. When picking up the objects it is important for the officer to touch as little as possible and in areas least likely to contain prints so that they will be less likely to smear the prints. Large objects should be fastened down with string on wood or heavy cardboard (Andrus et al., n.d., para 53). Papers and documents need to be individually placed in a cellophane or manila envelope which needs to be placed in between two sheets of cardboard paper. It can then be placed in a box for mailing. The amount of evidence can either help win or lose a case. Every crime scene has evidence available for officers to collect. It is important for them to know what the standard protocol is for collecting evidence and how to properly collect it without contamination. References Andrus, R., Bailey, J., Sprague, T., Springer, F., Tulleners, F., Wiersema, S., et al. (n.d.). Crime Scene Investigator Network: Evidence Collection Guidelines. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from

106 Congress :: essays research papers

The 106th Congress has been one of the most partisan and ineffectual legislatures in recent memory. The two political parties have barely even kept the government running. Only until recently have they passed Appropriation Bills for the 2001 fiscal year in a lame-duck session. This congress has made little progress in resolving their differences on some of the most important issues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gun control is at the forefront of American politics. Gun violence has soared in recent years, and many tragedies such as the Columbine school shooting have occurred. All Americans want a reduction in gun related violence but gun control is still a decisive issue. On March 3rd, 2000, the then junior Senator from New York, Charles E. Schumer, introduced the Effective National Firearms Objectives for Responsible, Commonsense Enforcement Act of 2000. S.2338 was a bill to enhance the enforcement of gun violence laws. Twelve other Senators including New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan cosponsored this bill. This legislation was an attempt at amending the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Its purpose was to increase appropriations to Federal prosecutors of Firearm Laws, authorize the appropriations of 600 additional firearm agents and inspectors, give greater authority to the Attorney General to prosecute violations of Federal Firearms Laws, bans violent felons from buying and handling firearms and ammunitions, and increase the penalties and fines of illegal gun sales.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S. 2338 was read twice and referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. The twelve Senators who sponsored this piece of legislation were mostly Democratic. Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, worked along party lines. He effectively pigeonholed this bill without considering it for review. Pigeonholing is a practice of ignoring a piece of legislation and letting it die in committee. Many special interest groups were interested in the outcome of this bill. The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, CSVG, was one lobbying group that was interested in this legislation. Lobbies try to influence politicians to vote according to their point of view. The CSVG wants to increase gun control measures to reduce the violence in America. It believes that violent crimes and firearms have a direct correlation. The legislative arm of the National Rifle Association is a lobby opposing gun control. The NRA represents millions of Americans all over the United States. It prides itself in promoting and defending the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution that states â€Å"the right of the people to keep and bear arms†.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Are We Social Beings? :: essays research papers

Many people ask the questions â€Å"are we social Beings†? Some find it more relaxing to keep to their selves while others feel comfortable in a more social setting among their peers. This is important because it dictates how we act around people. If someone likes to be alone and keep to his or herself, then they will more then likely have questionable people skills, where as someone who loves to have people around them, will most likely be very good with working with people or just interacting with them. Rene Descartes believed that â€Å"we ourselves exist†, and are independent from others. Descartes’ way of thinking about the individual is the bases of the western way of thinking about ones self. Steffen Carlshamme from Stockholm University explains that an individual’s identity is based on the culture that that individuals is a member of. Culture is very important to ones identity, that’s why a people can be destroyed if you destroy their culture. Examples of this are the Aztecs and the Asian and European invasion of the African continent. While Descartes had more of an atomistic view, G. W. H. Hegel had a more social view about how we fit into society. According to him the public good is better than the goals of an individual. Hegel explained that the only way to see our selves is thru the reflection of others. To him, it was all about recognition. A person cannot achieve self-respect until that person is recognized or shown respect from others. Martha Nussbaum from the University of Chicago explained that people want to be recognized. The self wants to be in relationship with others. Robert Solomon from the University of Texas in Austin added that people need each other. We care about what other people think of us. Robert Solomon also talks about Hegel’s â€Å"master / slave† story where two self-consciousnesses almost fight to the death. The one that is about to be killed then tries to reason with the aggressor to spare its life by agreeing to become the aggressor’s slave.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Revenge :: Essays Papers

Revenge 1. In the play "Hamlet" [Title] . [sic] I will be explaining the use of foils in the play. The four foils I will be using are between: [no :] the ghost and Hamlet, Claudius and Hamlet, Laertes and Gertrude and finally Laertes and Hamlet. [As noted in class, foils are characters, not "between" characters.] 2. A foil is a minor character that either talks to support the major characer. [Frag -1] Or it is someone who is similar or one who differs from the major character. [A foil has to be both similar and different.] An example of someone there just for support are Laertes and Gertrude. [SV Agr -1 ] They foil each other because the [sic] both have the similarity of being extremely gullible. [According to the definition you gave, a foil is the minor character. How can these two be foils for each other?] This is evident in Gertrude[']s belief of how the real king died. [Just because she is unaware of something means that she is gullible?] In Laertes it is relevant because he is also confused about who killed the king. [Do you have any evidence that Laertes ever even thinks about who killed the king?] Not believing people that he should be trusting such as Hamlet. [Frag -1] Their difference are in their physical characteristics and there [H-50] thoughts about the real kings death. [S V Agr -1] This foil is relevant because with out [without] Gertrude and Laertes gulibleness the story would be lacking supporting characters who really care about the real king. 3. Claudius foils Hamlet even though they are on different sides. This is evident because the [sic] both are extremely power hungry. [Evidence that Hamlet is power hungry?] Claudius killed a king to get his position and Hamlet is willing to listen to a ghost to get his. [Do you have any evidence that suggests that Hamlet wants the throne?] There differences is that Hamlet is much younger and that he has other motives for killing the king instead off [sic] just for power. [SV Agr] These are to revenge his fathers death and to make his mother wrong. [I do not understand what you mean by "to make his mother wrong." How would Hamlet's killing Claudius make Gertrude wrong?] The way this foil affected the play is that without it their [H-50] would be no conflict between good and evil.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Homelessness and Print Ad

Cassandra Allen June 26, 2012 English 1101 Ms. Kristen Miller Homelessness Do you think you can make it? Sometimes, I wonder how others can. Others, could what you may ask? Live on the street be homeless. Homelessness my affect the person sitting next to you, your best friend, or even your close family members. Just because they look like they are not homeless does not mean they aren't. When you watch a commercial or even view a picture in the newspaper about homeless people, what do you ask yourself first? Which one do you think captures your attention more to make you feel like you need to help make a change?In this essay I will compare two mediums a video and print ad which deals with homelessness and show you how emotional appeal ties both mediums together. I also, will show you how I think more emotional appeal is shown in the video than in the print ad. Emotional appeal is showed in homelessness whether it is when you are saddened by looking at a homeless person on the street o r even hearing them begging for something. When you take a look at the print ad, you have to think a picture is worth a thousand words and what does this mean.The print ad states the following: â€Å"When you give to the United Way, you're helping homeless people overcome the obstacles in their lives by providing things like shelter, hot meals, and training programs. With United Way funded agencies helping so many in our community, make a difference is easier than you think. † The statement you have just read is posted on the print ad and it is trying to promote awareness about homelessness. The print ad does a great job of showing emotion. In the picture on the print ad, you can see a person’s hand is trying to shield a homeless man from lying on the street in the rain.This picture explains a story that helping hands can be used to help shelter people around us in need. If we join hand in hand that we can make a difference in a homeless person’s life. In the Al oha United Way 2008 homelessness commercial, it shows you how normal everyday people become homeless not just because they wanted to but because they were force to. The couple in this video was able to join a shelter. Living in this shelter helped the couple acquire jobs to help themselves. This shelter was funded by the United Way.By helping fund organizations like this, you can help like I did and take part in â€Å"rewriting the stories of over 2,400 homeless people. † So, by viewing this video it shows you that you may not be homeless but it can happen to you also as well as me. This commercial makes homelessness turn into reality and shows you how it can really be. Just like the print ad both are funded by the United Way organization. Some people may feel like the print ad and the video ad affect them in the same way. In my opinion I think the video should impact your emotions more. By watching this, you will see and hear someone’s testimony.So the video has more visualization and also has audio while the print ad just has the one picture. I feel like the print ad leaves you asking questions. Both the video and print ads are helpful in ways that they help get the message across about homelessness and promote awareness. In this essay I have talked with you about a print and video ad that both target homelessness. I have explained to you that the video ad is more appealing to me. In the sense that the print ad you have visualization but no audio as the video have both which the audio is a testimony.So, think about what I have explain to you today and ask yourself which one would you use to get more funding for the United Way organization. Bibliography AUW808. â€Å"Aloha United Way – 2008 Homelessness Commercial. † YouTube. YouTube, 16 June 2008. Web. 26 June 2012. . Way, United. Without You. There Would Be No Way. Digital image. Coloribus. com. United Way, 17 Apr. 2008. Web. 26 June 2012. .

Friday, August 16, 2019

QR Codes and Nursing Essay

Originally invented in 1994, by the Denso Wave Corporation in Japan, Quick response codes, or QR codes were intended to for the auto manufacturer Toyota as a means to track vehicles, as well as vehicle parts, during the manufacturing production stages of building their cars. The QR codes were designed to allow Toyota manufactures to identify parts by scanning a two dimensional barcode, or, QR code at high speed. Since its inception in 1994 QR codes have become one of the most popular types of barcode used in Japan. Used primarily through Smart phones, this technology quickly allows consumers to access information contained in the QR code. In recent years the QR barcodes have infiltrated the United States via consumer advertisers and packaging companies. QR codes can be found on direct mail from advertisers, billboards, buses, internet ads, and have even crossed boarders into the healthcare industry (Wikipedia, 2012). Even the Federal Government is adopting the use of QR codes to redu ce the risks associated with mistaken personnel identification. The United States Department of Defense has also boosted identification (ID) security of employees by adopting smart ID cards, which are essentially QR codes. Instead of using the traditional ID card with employee photos, the Department of Defense has issued smart ID cards which act much like QR codes, however, they more are more expensive to produce, and require ongoing IT support. Although they are more expensive than a traditional ID card, The Smart ID cards allow for faster verification of personnel, and may ease some of the pressure on security officials who have to use their judgment based on an ID card flashed in their face. With one scan of the QR code, down to the minute, information can be displayed, which includes, authorizations for the employee, or their qualifications and, or credentials. The purpose of this communication is to explain the advantages and disadvantages of participating in a QR code pilot program, such as Lifesquare, who has partnered with emergency workers in Marin County, California to improve their ability to save lives in emergency situations through the use of QR codes, which allow them to access patient medical information including, medical history; and medications currently taken. In many cases this is critical with regards to saving someone’s life. Having access to their medical history, and or current medications could be critical in an emergency situation, when time is of the essence. In the medical field, this has become known as BCMA, which is bar code-assisted  medication administration. BCMA technology is being used as an aid to combat medication administration errors, improve patient safety and provide more accurate medication administration documentation. Not only is this technology being used in the United States, â€Å"however, this technology is also used in European countries including Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands† (Hassink, Jansen, Helmons, 2012). There have been many studies conducted over the years to conclude whether or not BCMA technology is advantageous to the medical field, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists’. Research has concluded, that there are both advantages and disadvantages when implementing BCMA technology, as well as contrasting information when it comes down to whether or not the BCMA technology is actually reducing errors in medicine administration. Although, the studies have concluded that there are many issues with BCMA technology, none indicate that BCMA technology is failing to prevent patient safety, which should be the main concern when administering medicine (Hassink, Jansen, Helmons, 2012). When researching the advantages to using BCMA technology, there weren’t many sources that provided straight to the point advantages, however, according to a â€Å"2010 quasi-experimental study Poon, et al., report that barcode medication administration systems have been associated with a 41% reduction in non-timing administration errors and a 51% reduction in potential adverse drug events from these errors, carrying the potential to prevent 95,000 possible ADEs† (Poon 2 010). If these numbers are correct, BCMA technology has to potential to prevent nearly 100,000 cases of ADE, which is and adverse drug event, in which are â€Å"defined as an injury resulting from the use of a medicine or omission of an intended medicine† (Hassink, Jansen, Helmons, 2012). Basically, when a patient is injured due to a medication error, it is considered and ADE. On the other hand, it seems that there was lots of information when it came down to the disadvantages of using BCMA technology. Since many of the studies conducted could not present any clear cut evidence and the fact that many of the studies regarding BCMA technology have contrasting information have produced many barriers to stop its implementation. Of the disadvantages, one of the main concerns was the price to implement this technology. This includes the costs of the equipment and installation, along with training the staff on how to use a new and very complex technology such as BCMA. You also have to  deal with the fact that not all people are computer savvy, and complicated software programs such as the BCMA technology may not be user friendly. Having a nurse that does not know how to operate this type of system may do more harm than good. Many nurses also feel that the BCMA process is very time consuming, however, studies found that there was no issue with regards to the time it took to administer medicine using this process. In conclusion, I would like to state that I feel that the BCMA process will be very effective in the future and will most like be used throughout the medical field and in all hospitals. Although BCMA technology is not necessarily new, it is new in the field of medicine, and those that don’t understand this process may be having a hard time accepting it. Eventually they will work out all of the kinks associated with BCMA technology, and we will see the numbers associated with medicine administration errors decrease, while we see an increase in patient safety. References Hassink, J.J., Jansen, M.M., and Helmons, P, J. (2012). Effects of bar code-assisted medication administration BCMA) on frequency, type and severity of medication administration errors: a review of the literature. Eur J Hosp Pharm 19, 489-494. Doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000058 Quick response codes. Retrieved November 22, 2012 from Wikipedia Poon, E. G., Keohane, C. A., Yoon, C. S., Ditmore, M. B., Bane, A. R., Levtzion-Korach, O. M., et al. (2010). Effect of Bar-Code Technology on the Safety of Medication Administration. New England Journal of Medicine , 362 (18), 1698-1707 We Can But Should We? Chamberlain College of Nursing Britney Adams

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ib Laq – Reliability of Memory

LAQ – Reliability of Memory Discuss, with reference to relevant research studies, the extent to which memory is reliable. This paper will evaluate the extent to which memory is reliable. While the human ability to have memory is an incredibly complex, yet amazing cognitive process, recent psychological research demonstrated that memory isn’t an imaginative reconstruction of past events, and is therefore not as reliable as previously thought. Memories can be influenced by other factors other than what was recorded initially due to the reconstructive nature of memory (e. g. , schemas).Repression may also occur and false memories can be created, making memory even less reliable. The extent to which memory is reliable has all kinds of practical applications, ranging from eyewitness testimony and studying ancient history to taking a simple test. This paper will evaluate Loftus and Palmer’s (1974) Lab Experiment 2 and Levinger & Clark (1961) Experiment, which tested th e extent to which memory is reliable. Both studies point out that memory can be manipulated and differs depending on the subject and time, making it less reliable than what an individual would initially expect.Firstly, this paper will look into Loftus and Palmer’s (1974) Lab Experiment 2. The aim of this experiment was to see whether misleading post-event information such as the wording of leading questions could create false memories. An independent measures design was used, where 150 students were shown a clip of a car accident. Then, the participants were split into three groups of 50. The 1st group was asked, â€Å"How fast were the cars going when they hit each other? † The 2nd group was asked, â€Å"How fast were the cars going when they smashed each other? And the 3rd group wasn’t asked to estimate the speed of the cars in the accident, as they were the controlled group. A week later, they were asked whether they saw any broken glass, despite the fact th at the video didn’t include any broken glass. The researchers found that the second group, on average, gave higher speed estimates and that they recalled seeing broken glass. As a result, they concluded that the wording of the questions had an effect on the estimation of speed and the perception of the accident. The higher rates of participants seeing broken glass and stimating that the cars were going faster is more likely to be involved when they were asked the leading question with the word ‘smash’. Loftus’s research indicated that it is possible to manipulate and form false memories using misleading information after the event had occurred, such as the format of a question, causing memory to be distorted and lead to inaccurate recall. This is also known as confabulation, which is the confusion of true memories with false ones. The study itself is relevant and has both weaknesses and strengths. Firstly, due to a well thought out procedure, the researche rs’ findings match what they set out to find.The use of an experimental methodology also allows for a cause & effect to be determined, and for the experiment to be easily replicated. Also, a control condition was used in the study in the form of a 3rd group that was not asked about the accident but only whether they saw broken glass or not, for reliability of results. On the other hand, the study has numerous weaknesses. It has been criticized for its low ecological validity. In real life, events that might need to be recalled often take place unexpectedly and in an atmosphere of tension, such as a court.It is difficult to recreate such conditions in a laboratory, and it is possible that eyewitnesses remember real events differently than staged events. Moreover, all the participants were Americans, making it culturally bias. Finally, the research requires participants to estimate speed, making the answers subjective to each individual, and may have influenced the results. Ano ther study examining the reliability of memory is Levinger & Clark Study (1961). The aim of this research was to examine whether repression can cause the forgetting of certain words.Participants were shown two mixed wordlists, some had negative emotional connotations and some were neutral. The researchers compared the recall ability of the participants for the different types of words. The researchers speculated on what the concept of repression suggests should happen. They found that participants had poorer recall of emotionally negative words, such as ‘fight’ and ‘fear’. Hence, they concluded that words with negative emotional connotations are repressed. Therefore, the research suggests that are memory represses words that distort our emotions, causing us to â€Å"forget†, making memory less reliable.The study itself used a solid experiment methodology. Being a laboratory experiment, it can be easily repeated, and cause and effect can be establishe d to a fair degree. Also, Klein’s Research (1972) also supports this experiment. Similarily to Levinger & Clark, Klein found that participants had poorer recall for a wordlist where they had been insulted, again suggesting that repression occurs when an individual is exposed to emotionally negative material. However, when Bradley and Baddely (1990) replicated the study, they found that recall of negative words was higher after a delay.Therefore, the original study may have produced false results. A few reasons that explain the inconsistent result may have been that the participants were distracted or demotivated during recall at one of the studies, exposing methodological flaws. In addition, the neutral words may have had too much of a positive effect on the participants, helping them remember them. Either way, both the original and the replicated study suggest that memory isn’t a perfect representation of the past. Lastly, the study holds low ecological validity as it was conducted in a laboratory environment as is as a result less likely to be true to life.Overall, memory can be manipulated, creating distorted and false memories. Both Levinger & Clark (1961) and Loftus and Palmer (1974) both suggest that memory can be repressed and shaped depending on the subject, time, individual etc. Memory can create a general image of past events, but it is simplified and is very subjective to the individual. Hence, we must be aware of the subjectivity of memory, especially when relying on its accuracy during eyewitness testimonies, when writing history, or even writing an autobiography.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Hands That Close To Your Neck

In anticipation of an upcoming Ethical Dilemma, I was striving to prepare myself for a choice I might have to make. I wanted to make the choice that gave an accurate impression of who I am; and who I am is someone who wants to be ethical, evolved, yet not at all a oilpan for the machinations of the morally corrupt. Here's the situation: I lived in a small town, where all your actions can affect how you are viewed, your ability to function in that town, or do business, or simply exist in harmony; and that view can be reflected back to you with dizzying speed. I was to be involved in a public event, and worried that I might cross paths with a particular person, whom I'll call the Big Eraser. This person lived in my home, used my things, brought no belongings, and in fact had none–only a white garbage sack of items†¦not due to youth (this person is pushing 40), and not due to an inability to be self-supporting. I had been loving, generous and supportive to B.E., and what I got in return was sloth, abuse, lies, deceit and eventual admissions of hatred after I removed B.E. from my home. This person had treated me with disregard, cost me money, frustration and stress, and managed to get away with it for various reasons. I learned some important lessons–I believe that everyone with whom we cross paths can be seen as a teacher. We don't have to like them for that to be true. So, this was a small town, as I mentioned, and I was set up to provide a service, and fully expected B.E. to attend this public event, and that it might necessarily put me in a position to provide this service to B.E., should that request be made. It's important to note that this service is Therapeutic Touch Treatments, and therefore requires me to impart love and healing–the last thing I feel I am capable of giving to this person. My response to this hypothetically anticipated request will also be rather public, and while I didn't want to seem hostile, I also didn't want to appear a doormat, nor did I wish to impart â€Å"reward† or seem to condone or approve of B.E., only for the sake of social graces. I was not disingenuous enough to pretend I had affection for this person. Add to this, the fact that B.E. has repeatedly avoided karmic debt, and it irks me that B.E. has been able to charm around and over everyone until they personally experience the truth of who B.E. really is. This is a person who was a self-confessed former drug dealer/maker, who damaged or perhaps was responsible for the deaths of an unknown number of people–maybe even kids–and had the unmitigated gall to brag about it. This is a person who has lied to others (including myself, initially) about burn scars, stating that they were received in some heroic gesture, when really the burns were received in a drug lab fire while cooking Methamphetamine. Yet B.E. had managed to snow everyone else, and also land a great job that paid well and offered security–this, with a criminal past, with a history of dodging taxes, and without a GED or High School Diploma. So in regard to my response to B.E. in this scenario, I have a generalized angst attached, i.e., â€Å"Why do good things happen to bad people?† These are examples of possible skewing of perception, as well as Internal Noise. Now, an argument can be made that The Wheel of Karma spins on its own, and does not require that we manually turn it. If a karmic debt is due, it will be paid, one way or another, and it is the most healthy thing for me to keep my hands off that wheel. I remind myself of this frequently, when I have to deal with people like B.E. Back to the Public Event in which I might cross paths with this person: Should B.E. approach my area and say, â€Å"I'd like a treatment,† my response is crucial for many reasons. In my mind, I had conjured possible responses to such a request (testing hypothesis): â€Å"F*** you.† (anger) â€Å"Are you out of your mind? Get out of my face, Loser.† (anger + judgment) (suggested by my best friend:) â€Å"I would love to give you a treatment†¦but for you, it will cost $700, because that's one of the debts you left for me.† (sarcasm + bitterness) â€Å"It's not a good idea for me to have my hands that close to your neck.† (sarcasm + veiled threat) â€Å"I don't think that would be a good idea.† (avoidance + statement of fact) â€Å"Sorry, I'm on a break.† (avoidance + a lie + non-confrontation)) â€Å"Let me think about that for a while.† (avoidance + stall + nonconfrontation) It is important to me that I make choices rooted in an evolved mind†¦my more primitive side wants to lash out. My intellectual side wants to take a firm stance and my spiritual side wants to put only loving things into my environment and those around me, because that's what I want to get back. I am a great fan of having all those parts of myself satisfied, yet I suspect this isn't possible. I have to choose. If I choose the â€Å"High Road† and say, â€Å"Sure, sit right down here and let me give you some love and healing.† Then I feel I have chumped myself, compromised my integrity, become spineless, have condoned reprehensible choices, and somehow validated B.E.'s evil ways. Why would I want to assist someone in their misbehavior? If I allow myself to become angry, I'm ultimately just hurting myself with stress, and giving B.E. power I don't wish B.E. to have. If I avoid B.E. and the situation, I feel cowardly, yet B.E. will probably order another beer and wander off, and I won't have to deal with it further†¦ Of course, this scenario might never unfold, but I don't feel my consideration and energy is moot; I still need to understand how to deal with it, and I still need to ask myself these types of questions. Since B.E. never appeared at the event, my angst and ethical hand-wringing became a moot point. I still don't know the answers to these questions. I never got the chance to act on the decision, even though I was relatively sure what my decision would be. If I had to say how I might handle it now (and how I would have handled it then, had I gotten the chance) I would say that I would have chosen the last response: â€Å"Let me think about that for a while.† This non-confrontational approach avoids conflict, defuses the situation, and also doesn't feel like it costs me any of my own integrity. I had an idea of expected behavior in that my choice of responses would have caused B.E. to wander off, without any provocation. It's quite possible that I would have been met with unexpected behavior, in that B.E. could have continued to engage me in a confrontational way, rather than to wander off. Either way, in order to create a list of responses, I had to understand my own mental models, and making the list alone was enough to inform me of my own place in this ethical dilemma, and it forced me to consider the type of person I wanted to be.

Internet & Portals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet & Portals - Essay Example The site also has a smaller navigation on the top, which has 4 elements: Today’s Deals, Help, 1 Promotion offer, and Gift Cards. It also has some great features such as people who bought this also bought... The site makes use of the structural element TABLE by the way they have set its border attribute to zero. This was achieved through: (). By doing this, they made sure that the table was invisible to the users. They divide the pages by placing the contents of a page in different cells of the table (Baun 99). This allows the page to be divided into different sections with elements of the site appearing on different parts of the site. One of the tools that are used on this site for content, structure, and management is the portal working place which is mostly advocated for by the fact that the site offers affordable services. In order to avoid there being technical issues that are associated with the compliance with JSR168, the site makes use of Java based portal products. This enables them to manage the content of the site, with relation to the widely changing nature of .NET applications especially those involving such sites. Another important thing that should be noted about this site is its taxonomy. Taxonomy refers to the process of classification of things in accordance to a predetermined system. In relation to websites, it will be important to note that taxonomy refers to the manner in which data are arranged into and subcategories. The taxonomy of this site is done in terms of topic. This can be seen in the way the data on the site are arranged in terms of issues, topics, and special interests. The main advantage that gets from using this type of taxonomy is that it enables their clients to freely navigate through their data during the process of finding that which is relevant to them. It also enables users of the site relate to the content of the site to their topics. This is

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Iconic projects are virtually certain to fail.Discuss; illustrate your Essay

Iconic projects are virtually certain to fail.Discuss; illustrate your answer with references to recently completed trophy projects - Essay Example es need to be appropriately addressed by managers of projects worldwide: ‘a) the project mission, b) the top management support and c) the project scheduling’ (Schultz et al., 1987 in Belassi et al., 1996, 142). If these issues are taken into consideration when designing and implementing a project then it can be expected that this project will be led to success. On the other hand, it is supported that the success or the failure of projects in modern market can be depended on many factors – different criteria could be also used in order to decide on the success or the failure of a particular project at any stage of its development. In accordance with Diallo et al. (2004, 21) ‘success can be evaluated only when the evaluation dimensions are adequately defined; a project is usually considered a success if its implementation complies with the usual constraints of time, cost and the client’s terms of reference or ‘‘quality’’â€⠄¢. The above description of a project’s success refers only to the general aspects of project success; there is no reference to the benefits that a project may offers to the parties involved – i.e. even if a project cannot be characterized as successful in terms of the achievement of its targets still it could offer benefits to its creators/ developers – referring to direct or even indirect benefits (e.g. increase of the quality of life of people of a specific area because of the development of a specific construction project – the above project may be left uncompleted or it could be use for a different reason than the one defined by its developers). The importance of project management for the improvement of many aspects of human life around the world could be possibly understood only by referring to specific projects and their benefits for people within the international community. The definition of project given by Gasper (2000) could help identify the general aspects of projects in modern market. In accordance with

Monday, August 12, 2019

Questionnaire and design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questionnaire and design - Research Paper Example The segmentation of the questionnaire is positive as it makes the process easier to understand. On the other hand, the dell questionnaire is complex and this may increase the non-response rate. The long questions and innumerable options in some of the questions will make the process tiresome and boring hence response error (McDaniel & Gates, 2006). This would also mean that the respondents will have to spend a long period in submitting information. Moreover, there are biased questions that will therefore impair the responses. These questions will influence the choice of answers of the respondents. A sample of a better questionnaire is provided below. Burke is an independent research firm whose services personal computer DELL computers to gather honest opinions of DELL personal computer systems have sourced. The questionnaire asks questions about DELL and on level of internet

Sunday, August 11, 2019

HR Scorecard Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Scorecard - Assignment Example As noted by Becker, Huselid and Ulrich (2001), a company has competitive advantage if it has what it takes to make customers select its products and services over what other competitors offer. Meanwhile, through the use of the HR scorecard to determine the best working outcomes for employees, it is possible to be guaranteed that the employees will show an attitude towards work that is directly responsive to customer request, expectations and needs, making customers select them over other competitors. In the implementation of the HR scorecard however, there are some challenges that may be encountered. The first of this has to do with the assignment of assessment metrics to work outcomes that are considered more qualitative. Typical example of such work outcome is customer satisfaction. The second challenge has to do with cooperation from employees in the implementation of the outcomes with the HR scorecard (Lawler, Jamrog & Boudreau, 2011). The challenges can be minimized by having a communication system that fully involves employees and clearly explains the modalities of the HR scorecard to

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Educating Prison Inmates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Educating Prison Inmates - Research Paper Example Apart from that this research paper has also highlighted the opportunity of American inmates’ educating programs in order to accomplish employment. Moreover, the study has evidently perceived that inmates’ educational programs in correctional facility have reduced the criminal recidivism among prisoners and have provided them with employment opportunities. Inmates education has emerge to become a new trend in early 21st century. The tendency of inmates’ education has been mostly observed in American correctional system. The objective of inmates’ education is to convey knowledge among the prisoners for outside world and enhance the rehabilitative aspects of American prison. American government has chosen couple of approach such as vocational training and academic education to educate inmates. It has been also observed that several colleges and university along with few non-governmental organisations have stepped forward in order to offer educational programs to the inmates in America. During the year 1996, American Central Security Control (CSC) has realized that inmates’ education programs can meet their employment needs after the correctional life. Therefore, CSC has designed inmates’ education programs according to teach job skills and rational skills, which will help them to become productive and law abi ding citizen. Thus, the American government has been investing large amount of money on offenders’ correctional education programs since the last decade (John Howard Society of Alberta, 2012). In this research paper, the main aim is to identify weather the inmates’ education programs affect the American correctional system positively or not. Apart from this, during the research the objective is to highlight the impact of offenders’ correctional education programs on the American correctional system. Moreover, through the research report the actual intention is to

Friday, August 9, 2019

Children's Learning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Children's Learning and Development - Essay Example The three main theories are behaviorism theory, constructivism theory and socio-cultural theory. Behaviorism theory states that knowledge exists and learners should discover it. . Constructivism theory states that knowledge can be created in the mind of a child while socio-cultural theory states that knowledge is created and transferred when children interact with members of the society. The society, the state as well as individual members of the societies understand the importance of developing and nurturing the capabilities of a child to develop into a responsible and productive adult in the coming years. There are various ways of promoting learning and development of children. First, according to Blake et al (21), children learn and develop when they feel sense of containment, worth and love. They also need to be inspired, encouraged and challenged to stretch beyond their capabilities to be able learn and develop. As a result, they develop positive attitude towards learning. Secondly, children and young people need a role model who they are able to observe and emulate. This will show them a path to follow as they develop into adults. Thirdly, they need opportunities to practice and internalize different ways of being and behaving. The opportunities can be availed in form of well thought of role-plays, music, acting (drama) and group work. The opportunities enabled them to learn and understand themselves and their personalities as they interact with various members of the society. Therefore, children should receive enjoyable and challenging experiences during their learning and devel opment. Fourthly, the individuality of every child should be recognised and nurtured at all developmental stages. This assures that the children's individual needs as well as interests and abilities are taken into solemn considerations. Fifth, the children should be assisted to identify their talents and hobbies. This is because talents and hobbies make them enthusiastic and the levels of their self-esteem grow. Furthermore, talents and hobbies help children develop passions early in life. This is done by listening to the voices of children when they talk about their interests and likes in life as well as paying attention to the environment where the child learns and develops. Sixthly, children should be praised for every good thing they do. This reinforces positive behavior in their learning environment. It is important to note and understand that children enjoy growing and developing in a stimulating environment. Stimulating environment presents a platform for challenging activiti es and experiences for growing and developing children. If every aspect of a child is taken into consideration, the child would exhibit progress in his or her learning and development endeavors. Seventh, it is important to ensure that children are safe and healthy. Children should be kept away from hazards that can devastate or disempower them in the environment in which they live. Children should be fed with balanced diets. In addition, children should be taught how to keep themselves healthy. They need to learn to wash their hands regularly and brush their teeth after main meals. Whichever the approach utilized

The Design of Health and Safety Control Systems Assignment - 2

The Design of Health and Safety Control Systems - Assignment Example The cattle which graze on the field that houses the subterranean chamber. Any passersby on the main road which is lesser than mile away from the location. HAZARDS Toxic sealant paint highly inflammable and heavier than air (not easy to get disposed off). Thus being hazardous in the following manner: The breaking out of a fire is possible if remnants of the sealant remain within the subterranean chamber. Since the sealant sprayed is toxic its remnants may harm the grass and other crops in the farmer’s field. The health of the cattle and the farmer is at risk. Risk of intoxication of the personnel assigned to spray the sealant. Pedestrian passersby on the main road may get intoxicated. WHAT THE LAW SAYS: The following regulations cover different aspects of the operation 1 discussed above. The regulations are stated below: Safe working in confined spaces According to the confined spaces regulation 1997, regulation 1(1) a sewer is considered as â€Å"confined space†. Accord ing to the confined spaces regulation 1997 regulation 1(9) flammable substances, toxic gas and flammable substances are declared to as HAZARDS. Regulation 3 is about duties under the regulations. ACOP 22(a) Risk assessment must be done. Regulation 4 is regarding working in confined spaces. ... ACOP Communications (39) An adequate communication system will be needed and should enable communication: (a) between those inside the confined space; (b) between those inside the confined space and those outside; and (c) to summon help in case of emergency ACOP (47) Gas purging through inert gas to for flammable or toxic gases. ACOP (51) Mechanical Ventilation for flammable or toxic gases Regulation 1997 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 3 Risk assessment Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of – (a) the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and (b) the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his undertaking, for the purpose of identifying the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisi ons Management Regulation 3 ACOP 22(a) Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 11 The Act places a duty on all employers and the self-employed to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of people who are not in their employment, such as members of the public. 12 The Act also places a duty on employees to co-operate with their employer on health and safety matters and not to do anything which puts others at risk. OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS The operational recommendations are as follows: Risk assessment of the sewer should be done in compliance with the Health, Safety and Security standards. The farmer should be informed well in time before the

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 4

Law - Essay Example l effect or used in the United Kingdom shall be recognised and available in law, and be enforced, allowed and followed accordingly; and the expression enforceable Community right and similar expressions shall be read as referring to one to which this subsection applies.†1 Essentially, Section 2(1) ensures that in the event there is a conflict between EC law and UK law, the former prevails. In other words EC law confers upon Bill and Jim â€Å"directly enforceable laws† within the UK.2 It was also held in Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen that the EC represents a â€Å"new legal order† which binds all Member States. 3 To this end, there are three systems of law within the EC that determine Bill and Jim’s right to take action against the UK for personal injuries incurred as a result of their failure to implement Directive 2007/15/EC by the due date. The three systems of law are primary legislation which encompasses EC Treaties, secondary legislation which are Directives and regulations and the third source of law is Decisions.4 Bill and Jim’s claim for personal injuries will fall under the application of secondary injuries since the claim is directly related to a Directive issued by the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. Directives require official enactment by Member States but they are nonetheless binding on all Member States.5 In fact Article 249 of the Treaty of Rome 1957 provides that Directives are binding on all Member States â€Å"which it is addressed.†6 Although the UK has a discretion as to how to implement the Directive on the phasing out of chalkboard, the Directive remains applicable under UK law once the date for implementation passes. The fact that the UK’s safety regulations adequately deal with the main objectives of the Directive does not weaken the application of the Directive.7 In Publico Ministero v Ratti [1979] ECR it was held that as a result of Article 189 (now article 249) of the

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How did the two World Wars affect Africa and Africans Essay Example for Free

How did the two World Wars affect Africa and Africans Essay There were different implications and effects that were caused by the World War I and II to African and Africans as well. Many lives were lost and many were rendered useless. Though there are a lot of things that were achieved during this period, there are others that brought about great problems to people. In 1940, German armies were motivated to believe that Africans were in deed their enemies and there was a need to address the issue. With engaging in war with France, and France had several blacks in their army, they were the main target and they were being killed more than their white counterparts. German was fighting people who were below the Nazi, or who Nazi believed they were mutilating their colleagues (Raffael, 596). The effects of the war brought both the positive and negative effects to Africans and Africa as well. Nazi hierarchy had already begun to kill those who they thought were below their Aryan. This was a great suffering for Africans because they were being killed mercilessly. Even they are among their French counterparts, there was no African who was captured and imprisoned but instead they were killed. The other problem was that the Geneva regulations were not applicable to Africans. This was because, the Nazi rule and theory was that the rules were only applicable to the whites but not Africans, thus raising another effect to the African as they were killed without any word or anyone to defend them. Though there were some of the German militaries who were supporting Africans and defending them, those who were Nazified had not respect to Africans. This helped the African soldiers show their heroism as they were trying to defend themselves and in most cases being placed in the front line in the battle, they had to try their best and defend their combat. They believed that African culture believed that whenever an African gets his enemy, he would use coupe-coupe, which was believed was a deadly weapon compared to other short range weapons. They also believed that Africans were already on the attack positions and they would not hesitate attacking their rivals. They used this as a justification of killing Africans (Raffael, 600). In Africa, Africans had already learnt that there is nothing special with the whites and there is nothing whites can do blacks cant do. Africans developed resistant powers and they were now defending their land against occupation by whites. Africans were fighting for freedom and independence. This was not going well with whites in Europe as the information they were getting is that Africans are mutilating their people, raping their women and killing others. This brought about the justification of the Germans illegal activities of killing blacks and mutilating them ‘This charge became an ob- session of some German officers and soldiers and helped to justify the killings of black soldiers and the no-quarters policy in some battles with the’ (Raffael, 600). Most of the African Countries, though they had already suffered a lot, they had already started fighting whites and they managed to get their independence and have their own governments without of the colonial rules.