Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Crow Review :: essays research papers

The Crow Reviewed   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the history of movies, movie companies have tried to do it bigger better and more exciting. They bring in bigger stars, better special effects and more convincing stories, which causes the masses to flock to the theatres in eager anticipation of each movie. The audience usually gets what the audience wants—more violence and more action the world over. â€Å"The Crow† has elements of different types of movie genres the horror, adventure, film noir and the western. In this movie there is no difference as is about to be shown in the following paper. They mix the genres together quite well in this movie to make it a true hybrid genre. From the mean streets, the use of shadows and surprise like the horror movie, to the adventure of the over all story. They also mix in a bit of western with the black cowboy that is in the comic, but doesn’t even appear in the movie itself. Now this paper shows how the movie appeals to the different genres using characters, settings, lighting and other effects to make the movie more interesting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Crow,† it starts out with a legend of the crow showing the horror aspect of the movie. It says that â€Å"when a person dies, a crow carries there soul to the land of the dead and sometimes a soul dies with such anguish that the soul cant rest, and sometimes, just sometimes the crow can bring that spirit back to put the wrong things right.† Which was in the case of Eric Draven, is what happened. Him and his fiancà © (Shelly) both are killed while fighting tenant eviction eviction in there building. Eric Draven being the way that he was before he was killed, a rock singer and guitarist, truly makes him the unlikely hero of this story. The way that he paints his face in a mimes face with a smile is quite different then was in the comic, he was suppose to paint his face like the face of tragedy. Instead they do it like a mime, and this is quite ironic as to what he is supposed to stand for. This creates a sense of dramatic horror to an eff ect throughout the movie. The street gang that killed him for the tenant eviction made him quite the man made demon, having only one thing that was on his mind, the revenge of his and Shelly’s death to put his soul to rest.

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