Saturday, August 10, 2019

Educating Prison Inmates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Educating Prison Inmates - Research Paper Example Apart from that this research paper has also highlighted the opportunity of American inmates’ educating programs in order to accomplish employment. Moreover, the study has evidently perceived that inmates’ educational programs in correctional facility have reduced the criminal recidivism among prisoners and have provided them with employment opportunities. Inmates education has emerge to become a new trend in early 21st century. The tendency of inmates’ education has been mostly observed in American correctional system. The objective of inmates’ education is to convey knowledge among the prisoners for outside world and enhance the rehabilitative aspects of American prison. American government has chosen couple of approach such as vocational training and academic education to educate inmates. It has been also observed that several colleges and university along with few non-governmental organisations have stepped forward in order to offer educational programs to the inmates in America. During the year 1996, American Central Security Control (CSC) has realized that inmates’ education programs can meet their employment needs after the correctional life. Therefore, CSC has designed inmates’ education programs according to teach job skills and rational skills, which will help them to become productive and law abi ding citizen. Thus, the American government has been investing large amount of money on offenders’ correctional education programs since the last decade (John Howard Society of Alberta, 2012). In this research paper, the main aim is to identify weather the inmates’ education programs affect the American correctional system positively or not. Apart from this, during the research the objective is to highlight the impact of offenders’ correctional education programs on the American correctional system. Moreover, through the research report the actual intention is to

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