Friday, August 30, 2019

Equirements for the Corporate Computing Function Essay

From Table 3. 1, speculate why the fifth point, â€Å"Meet information requirements of management†, is in the CIO’s list of nine (9) points: Meeting information requirements of management is a key focus for many organizations. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve how they manage information. Information is essential for any decision making process and day-to-day operation. Therefore, it is important that information is managed and disseminated properly throughout the organization. Management use information to establish policy and strategic planning. It is extremely important that organizations meet their information requirements of management. Ian Linton (2013) suggests that managers need rapid access to information to solve strategic, financial, marketing, and operational issues. Therefore, it is paramount that organizations evaluate their informational needs of management. The operating environment of today’s organizations demands timely, efficient and effective management of information to make informed and up to date decisions. Consequently, requires readily accessible information at their disposal in order to be effective managers. If an organization is to be successful, it must be an excellent steward of data. On the other hand, technology is constantly on the rise. As it produces higher efficiency, access, and integrity with improved ways to organize and manage information. At the same time, the IT staff maintains the responsibility of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s intellectual property. To meet these needs, organizations must increase their awareness of the available criteria for evaluation of management informational needs. Information is power and must be managed properly. Organizations need to consider the latest relevant technological advancements for their business to stay competitive and gain competitive advantage (Nichelson, 2013). Managers are critical elements of an organization; thereby, demanding quality, accuracy, and efficiency to move their business forward. The decision making process is greatly influenced by the relevance and quality of the information available to its management. Imagine only three (3) points are to be rolled out in the first phase. Evaluate each point to determine the most important three (3) for the initial rollout phase: Although, all are key points. After ample consideration, the initial rollout phase should consist of the following: 1) Provide computing capability to all organizational units that legitimately require it. 2) Meet information requirements of management. 3) Provide computing services in a reliable, professional, and technically competent manner. I believe the three (3) points chosen are high valued and critical to the organization. All departments must have readily accessible information to perform their jobs to be productive. By means of distributed computing of low cost servers, workstations, and personal computers will provide the widespread use of small computers to provide highly individualistic service to all departments. At the same time, allow users to establish and maintain autonomy in their day-to-day operations while improving departmental productivity (Stallings, 2009). In this instance, deploying inexpensive systems make it possible for organizations to disperse their computing capabilities. Thus, no longer relying on centralized infrastructure to provide services. Obviously, it make sense as a first measure to acquire information from all departments, thus meeting the requirements for the corporate computing function and the information needs of management. Recommend one (1) additional point the CIO should include in order to ensure the topic of security is addressed in the mission statement. Explain your rationale for the inclusion: Information security enabled by technology must include the means of lowering the impact of intentional and unintentional errors entering the system and to prevent unauthorized internally or externally accessing the system ? actions to reduce risk data validation, pre-numbered forms, and reviews for duplications. It is crucial that the mission plan include the provision of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. On the other hand, there is much more intrusion activity today than ever before. Obviously, there is an increased concern for attacks through companies’ network in an effort to either commit malice or affect the integrity of an organization’s most valuable resource. Therefore, it is important that companies do not get complacent in their IT infrastructure security. The fact of the matter, there is no perfect system; however, it behooves organizations to protect their information by way of reducing threats and vulnerabilities. Moreover, Whitman and Mattord (2010) said it best, â€Å"because of businesses and technology have become more fluid, the concept of computer security has been replaced by the concept of information security. Companies must realize the importance of information security and are allocating separate budget and human resources for it. It has matured into a separate business enabler function in many organizations. Organizations now face myriad regulatory requirements and the need to manage risk and information theft. Therefore, it is important for organizations to staff people with specific skills so that information assets are safe and the continued integrity of information is assured (Whitman & Mattord, 2010). Finally, many businesses today are not adequately prepared for an interruption of services. Therefore, it becomes necessary to establish both business disaster recovery and continuity plans to protect the organizations from complete devastation. According to Whitman & Mattord (2010), â€Å"the mission statement is the follow- up to the vision statement. If the vision statement states where we want to go, the mission statement describes how we want to get there. References Linton, I. (2013). The Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making. Retrieved from http://yourbusiness. azcentral. com/role-management-information-systems-decision-making-1826. html Nichelson, B. J. , Ph. D. (2013). Keeping Up With Technology. Retrieved from http://entrepreneurs. about. com/cs/beyondstartup/a/keepinguptech. htm Stallings, W. (2009). Business Data Communications, Sixth Edition (Custom Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Whitman, M. E. , & Mattord, H. J. (2010). Management of Information Security (3rd ed. ). Boston: Course Technology-Cengage.

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